Intelligent Marketing

Increased competition and a challenging financial environment mean that it’s harder than ever for schools to fill their pupil numbers. Even a handful of unfilled places can cause significant budgetary problems.

EdProof helps schools to stay ahead of the game through the power of intelligent marketing – whether you’re concerned about filling your places now, or want to ensure a sustainable, long-term pipeline of students for the future.

Illustration of a parent and her children selecting a school


Healthy enrolment is vital for a school’s financial health and future confidence.

Rising competition and financial uncertainties (like the anticipated VAT hike on UK school fees) have made it harder than ever for schools to meet pupil targets, and even those schools who are well subscribed now may not be future-ready.

We help schools to fill their places intelligently – ensuring you meet your targets and attract the right students, futureproofing your school’s future success.

Who it’s for

Whether you find student recruitment a challenge, or are oversubscribed but want to diversify your intake, EdProof can future-proof your pipeline. We help to:

  • Grow your pupil numbers
  • Diversify your pupil intake, eg: through the recruitment of international students from different countries
  • Attract academically gifted students, supporting an improvement in the school’s league table rankings



We offer three packages which empower schools to make more intelligent marketing decisions – whether you want to showcase what makes your school unique, recruit more qualified leads or predict who will convert.


  • We’re confident EdProof will increase the number of students enrolled at your school, so we offer a money back guarantee: if you feel like EdProof hasn’t led to at least one new student registered we’ll refund your annual fee

Intelligent Showcasing

We grow student numbers by using benchmarking data to empower you to showcase what makes your school special. 

As educators, we all know that school is about so much more than exam grades. Schools shape character, build confidence and prepare pupils for a changing world – but can’t currently prove it.

At EdProof, we’ll benchmark your pupils’ progress against our proprietary dataset of thousands of students. We’ll compare them with the national and global average on a like-for-like basis, so for the first time you can quantify and show your school’s unique added value to prospective families.

How it works

  • We provide your students with a short survey covering metrics including: Academic, Wellbeing & Social, Future preparation, Leadership & teamwork and School climate
  • We compare the results against our global dataset of 8,000+ students
  • We’ll highlight your areas of strength, and bring you customised data highlights tailored for promotional use – on your website, in your prospectus, at your next Open Day or on social media

You’ll attract more students (both domestically and internationally), bolster your reputation among prospective parents and retain existing parents.


Here’s a small selection of the kind of statistics you can choose to showcase your school’s excellence:

I enjoy going to school

Royal Elmbridge ranks in the top 20% of schools assessed by EdProof for how much students enjoy going to school every day

  • Other students 68% 68%
  • Royal Elmbridge pupils 80% 80%

I'm confident in the skills
I'm acquiring for employment

Royal Elmbridge pupils are 52% more confident about their future skills


I feel intellectually stimulated & inspired every day at school

Royal Elmbridge pupils feel 9.4% more inspired than pupils at other schools

  • Other students 64% 64%
  • Royal Elmbridge pupils 70% 70%

What students say

91% of comments were positive according to our sentiment analysis – 23% higher than other schools


Intelligent Recruitment

Our sister brand, SchoolProof, helps parents to choose the perfect school.
SchoolProof website screenshot

Using our proprietary technology, SchoolProof gives parents a free, hyper-personalised 30-page report recommending the top five schools which match their requirements.

SchoolProof is independent and objective, so schools can’t pay to influence the recommendations. However, schools who subscribe to EdProof’s Intelligent Recruitment package gain the following benefits:

  • Expand your school profile: EdProof schools benefit from an enhanced profile in the report, enabling you to map out your USPs, choose your photos, link to your open days and prospectus etc. – increasing the likelihood parents will select your school
  • Gain market qualified leads: EdProof schools can be connected directly with prospective parents through a one-click button in the report. You’ll receive their details including the parent’s name, contact details, child’s name, family budget and the things they are specifically looking for in a school – enabling you to reply in a personalised way
  • Promote your school: gain a profile on the SchoolProof website, and advertise through our regular newsletters to parents looking for schools like yours
  • Learn from detailed analytics: uncover your appeal through parent-behaviour analytics, highlighting your school’s ranking and click-through rates compared to key competitors
  • Gain valuable market intelligence: better understand parent preferences through detailed analytics, equipping you with the data to shape your school’s future marketing and communication strategies

Schools who also select our Intelligent Showcasing package are able to include the top statistics in their school profile, helping them to stand out from the crowd.

Intelligent Prediction

Through our cutting edge AI software, we help you to predict the likelihood that a prospective parent will decide to send their child to your school.

Table showing likelihood of parent converting

How it works

  • We’ll start by analysing your historic data on families who registered an interest in enrolling their child – both those who ended up sending their child to your school, and those families who didn’t (if you don’t have sufficient data, we’ll help you to start collecting it)
  • We’ll use this data to develop a custom AI model tailored to your school
  • Our model will identify trends/patterns and will predict which prospects are most likely to convert into enrolments
  • We’ll build a form for your website, or work with your existing form, to collect data on prospective parents (you can also use this form for open day or school fair registrations)
  • We’ll automatically apply the AI model to any prospective family who registers, and will give you a percentage score showing the likelihood of them converting



  • Data-driven recruitment: understand the characteristics of families who are more likely to enrol, improving recruitment strategies and increasing conversion
  • Efficient marketing: allocate marketing resources more effectively, targeting those most likely to enrol
  • Enhanced engagement: engage more meaningfully with prospective parents by understanding their needs and preferences, leading to better communication and relationship building
  • Strategic planning: our insights assist in strategic planning, helping you to focus efforts on the most promising leads and optimise enrolment rates.
  • Continuous improvement: ongoing data collection and analysis facilitate a cycle of continuous improvement in recruitment and marketing strategies, helping you to adapt to changing trends and preferences