About US

About EdProof

EdProof is on a mission to revolutionise the way schools showcase their unique value and improve outcomes.

We drive school growth and educational excellence through data.

Illustration of teacher figuring out data

Behind the Data: The EdProof Journey

With over a decade of experience in education, the EdProof team are passionate about supporting schools to measure, showcase and improve.

Having led the King’s Award winning education venture, the Oxford Scholastica Academy, they have combined to empower schools to measure, showcase and improve outcomes for their students. 

Our Leadership Team

Jamie Dear

Jamie Dear


Jamie has founded education ventures for the past 15 years, including Oxford Scholastica, winner of the King's Award for Enterprise. He also set up OxFizz, a social enterprise helping students with university preparation, with profits going to charity (over £1m raised).

Sophie Dear

Sophie Dear


Sophie is a Consultant doctor in Oxford. She’s the founder of Psyched Up For Medical School, a work experience programme for pupils interested in psychiatry, and is passionate about using data for quality improvement in medicine and education.

Lavinia Abell

Lavinia Abell


Lavinia studied Classics at Jesus College, Cambridge University, going on to work in the education sector. She is Co-Director of OxBright, an education venture offering online programmes for young people. She is a Governor of the Stephen Perse School.

Dr Alix Hibble

Dr Alix Hibble

Head of Data & Research

Alix completed her PhD in Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, before moving into education research. At EdProof she applies her love of data analysis with her interest in education, to produce actionable insights for students and schools.

Students graduating

Our Values

Everything we do is guided by our Worldview. We believe it’s the greatest time to be alive, but young people today face challenges ranging from exam pressures to social media comparison culture.

We want to support schools to help pupils make the most of the positive changes in the world, rather than feeling constrained by them.

We believe in:

Active Thinking

We believe we should all have a bias towards agency of thought and action. This mindset opens up the potential for great possibilities and greater fulfilment, unencumbered by the expectations of others.

We believe a greater purpose exists than purely fulfilling our own needs. We believe agency should be channelled in a positive way for the benefit of others and we believe that, by coming together as a community, more things become possible.
Long-term Thinking
We believe that when you think and plan for the long-term, you achieve more for yourself and for others.

How EdProof Can Help Your School


Compare results with schools nationally


Deepen understanding of student performance


Demonstrate your unique added value


Improve your marketing and attract more students


Show your value to existing parents


Attract new teachers


Pinpoint areas to enhance


Keep senior leadership and governors in the loop
EdProof Report

Let’s Get Started

Ready to Turn Data Into Intelligence for your School?