About US

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about EdProof through a selection of FAQs below, or contact us if you don’t see your question answered.

Illustration of a teacher thinking through decision options

Benefits of EdProof

What is the benefit of using the Academics or Character development package?
The Academics and Character development packages give you unique insight into your students on the characteristics that matter most to your school, through sophisticated data analysis and comparison to national and peer data.

We provide tailored recommendations for your school context, with resources and interventions, and predict the impact of different strategies, empowering you to make intelligent decisions and changes.

What is the benefit of the Marketing packages?
Whether you’re concerned about filling your places, diversifying applications, or ensuring a sustainable long-term pipeline of students for the future, our Marketing packages can help. Depending on the package chosen, we can help you showcase your unique provision for students and attract more pupils, directly connect with interested parents, benefit from market intelligence, and use AI tools to improve your marketing communications and focus resources strategically.
What is measured in the Academics and Character Development packages?
In the Academics and Character Development packages, students are surveyed across 6 dimensions that research has identified as the most critical in supporting academic performance and preparing students for the future. We measure general academic skills, leadership & collaboration, future preparation, wellbeing, character development and school belonging.

The survey questions were developed from validated research frameworks across both cognitive psychology literature and educational research, alongside discussions with current educators and in line with current inspection frameworks.

How do I know which package is best for my school?
In our initial free consultation meeting we can discuss your school’s needs and aims and help you decide which package would best support you in achieving those goals.
What is the benefit of choosing EdProof over an internal survey?
EdProof provides the expertise and experience necessary for high-quality research, offering schools dependable support and saving schools time and resources.

EdProof survey questions are based on published research and validated frameworks, and we have an experienced team conducting the statistical analyses. Our reports contain detailed recommendations, bespoke to your educational context, and drawn from educational interventions and resources.

An issue with internal surveys is that students struggle to be fully transparent and introspective with school-only surveys: having a third party administer the survey anonymously improves the objectivity of the data.

Finally, the access to the national and peer-school benchmarking data means that we can determine whether trends in your school are a unique reflection of your school environment and teaching, or reflecting wider national trends.

Can the school customise or add to the survey questions to address specific areas of interest or concern?
Absolutely, we’re happy to include bespoke questions in the survey and will provide suggested phrasing for the questions, using published research.

Data & Research

How is the research conducted?
We collect data via surveys which are conducted online, on laptops, PCs, tablets or mobile devices. We work with each school to determine the best time for the surveys during the school year, and the best method of delivery, whether students take the surveys during form time, or complete them independently.
How long does data collection take?
Each of the surveys takes 10-15 minutes to complete, and can be done on a computer, tablet or mobile device. We suggest that they are taken during the school day for best results, but they can be completed independently by students. We recommend a data collection window of 2 weeks to ensure maximum uptake across the school.
Will there be support provided for administering the data collection?
Yes – you will be provided with a detailed guide about how to administer the surveys, and given scripts to read to students before completing the surveys.

A team member will be on hand throughout the collection window to assist with any technical difficulties, and to provide regular updates about student completion rates.

What types of data will be collected?
Students will answer both rating scale questions and provide short text responses. We will also collect some demographic information, such as age, gender and ethnicity, but are committed to ensuring that student responses are anonymous throughout the process, and comply with GDPR and research ethical guidelines.
Who has access to the data?
We are the only party with access to the data, and we don’t share data with third parties. The reports, which contain summaries and analysis of your data and comparisons with national and peer school data, are also kept confidential and delivered only to your named contact at your school: you are free to share this internally and externally.
How will the confidentiality and anonymity of the students be ensured during the survey process?
Data is collected anonymously from students, to ensure that students give objective ratings and comments about their schools. The data in the reports is summarised across groups of students, so it won’t be possible to identify individual students in the reports from their responses.
Can you compare our school directly against a named competitor?
No, we keep individual schools anonymous within our dataset.

However, we can compare your school against a group of peer schools. If you have a particular set of characteristics you’d like to be compared against, such as school size, league table position, or location, we can prioritise comparisons with peer schools using these characteristics.

What are the specific benchmarks against which our school's data will be compared?
Your data will be compared against data collected from peer schools, nationally and internationally. The collection of these data sets are ongoing.


What kind of resources will be provided to the school to interpret and act upon the survey results effectively?
To interpret the results, we provide you with a detailed 30-page report, with bespoke recommendations taken from published research and shared best practices. We meet with your senior leadership team to discuss these results in detail, both the data and the recommendations.

To act upon the results, we will suggest which findings you might like to share in school communications, and in the Academics and Character Development packages we provide further recommendations of resources and interventions to support long-term sustained progress.

How will the effectiveness of the service be evaluated over time?
By joining EdProof annually, we’ll be able to advise you on developments within year groups and across the school, and compare these changes to tracked changes within the benchmark.

We’re confident EdProof will help your school to make intelligent decisions, so we offer a money back guarantee: we’ll refund your annual fee if you don’t feel we’ve met this goal.

Why do you recommend subscribing annually?
With the subscription model we are able to monitor the development of characteristics with time, so you can see the impact of various interventions and programmes for each student year group, and across different student cohorts. If you complete the survey in multiple years, we use the previous years’ data in our analysis to deepen our insights and produce more informed recommendations. Additionally, you have access to an expanding benchmark dataset for increasingly granular comparisons with peer schools and national data.
Do you offer discounts for multiple schools within a group e.g. a MAT?

Yes, we do – please contact us to discuss the best packages for you and your school group.

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